Vigilant Knight (new)


Base Attack Bonus:+6
Feats:Weapon Focus(Bastard Sword), Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Bastard Sword)
Skills:Knowledge(religion) 5
Special:The candidate must be member of the Champions Vigilant


1+1+2+0+2Aura of Law, Lawful Sword, Paladin Abilities
2+2+3+0+3Shield Other, Everbright Armor
3+3+3+1+3Weapon Specialization
4+4+4+1+4Burning Sword 2/day
5+5+4+1+4Magic Circle against Chaos
6+6+5+2+5Greater Weapon Focus
7+7+5+2+5Holy Sword 3/day
9+9+6+3+6Improved Critical
10+10+7+3+7Shield of Law, Burning Holy Sword 4/day


Hit Points:d10
Skill Points at each Level:2
Class Skills List:Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Listen, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge(Religion), Ride, Spot
Weapon Proficiency:all martial
Armor Proficiency:all armors, all shields except tower shields
Class Specials:
Aura of Law (Ex)The Vigilant Knight has an Aura of Law. See Palading class feature.
Lawful Sword (Su)A Vigilant Knight's bastard sword is lawful aligned for overcoming damage reduction. If the sword leaves the property of the Vigilant Knight, it looses this ability.
Paladin Abilities (Ex)The levels of a Vigilant Knight and Paladin stack for the purpose of determining the strength of his Aura and the number of his smite evil attempts as well as the bonus damage dealt by his smite evil ability
Shield Other (Sp)Beginning at 3rd level, a Vigilant Knight can use Shield Other as a spell-like ability once per day. His caster level is his class level.
Everbright Armor (Su)Beginning at 2nd level, any metal armor a Vigilant Knight wears gains the Everbright Special ability (FaP p.30), as long as he is waering the armor.
Weapon SpecializationAt 3rd level a Vigilant Knight gains Weapon Specialization(Bastard Sword) as a bonus feat.
Burning Sword (Su)Beginning at 4th level, a Vigilant Knight can bestow the flaming ability onto his weapon as a standard action. This lasts for class level plus Cha modifier rounds. This ability can be used 2 times per day
Magic Circle against Chaos (Sp)Beginning at 5th level, a Vigilant Knight can use Magic Circle against Chaos as a spell-like ability once per day. His caster level is his class level.
Greater Weapon FocusAt 6th level a Vigilant Knight gains Greater Weapon Focus(Bastard Sword) as a bonus feat.
Holy Sword (Su)Beginning at 7th level, a Vigilant Knight can bestow the flaming ability or the holy ability onto his weapon as a standard action. This lasts for class level plus Cha modifier rounds. This ability can be used 3 times per day and replaces the Burning Sword ability.
Blind-FightAt 8th level a Vigilant Knight gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
Improved CriticalAt 9th level a Vigilant Knight gains Improved Critical(Bastard Sword) as a bonus feat.
Shield of Law (Su)At 10th level, a Vigilant Knight can use Shield of Law as a spell-like abiity once per day. His caster level is his class level.
Burning Holy Sword (Sp)At 10th level, a Vigilant Knight can bestow the flaming and the holy ability onto his weapon as a standard action. This lasts for class level plus Cha modifier rounds. This ability can be used 4 times per day and replaces the Holy Sword ability.